"We've all heard it said that a thousand monkeys banging on a thousand keyboards could eventually produce a masterpiece. Thanks to the internet, we now know this not to be true."
That's a quote I read once, but I must confess I forget the origin. At any rate, I once again have a more solid web presence than can be offered by such outlets as Xanga and LiveJournal. The fact that my name is a URL probably lends some undeserved credibility, which I will be sure to exploit as much as possible in my contributions to cyberspace. Or, to use the term Al Gore may or may not have coined, the information superhighway.
Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. This is my real entrance into the "blogosphere" (Xanga doesn't count), and my attempt to put some true effort and (occasionally) professionalism into my writing. This URL was originally to be a full-fledged website, but when I examined the blog feature of my host I discovered that this really better suits my needs. I've also included a couple extra pages: The Quotes, which will bring great joy to my Facebook fans, and Writing, where you'll (eventually) find my more publish-worthy works.
Anyway, here I am, and here you are. Let's bake a cake.
My host, by the way, is 1&1, and based on my experience so far I highly recommend them as a powerful, easy and inexpensive service if you're looking to create an online presence of your own. As you can see I plugged them in my navigation bar.
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