Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Moving along...

We've all seen or heard tell of the guy falling off the barstool, right? Well, it's been trumped. That's right, Sara Beth has managed to fall out of a bar. I'll spare you the details because, honestly, they're a lot less outrageous than the summary.

Things are moving right along in the Getting Stuff Done department*. I have my schedule for next semester, a work of art created through a very exciting (to me) or boring (to you) process. I have about 19 classes with Abby Fuller and, if he ever gets back to me, a tutorial with the amazing Ken Brown. I have also officially been accepted to the Indianapolis Peace Institute's summer program and am now working on (read as: planning to at some point fill out) all the forms that require my signature. I read through the handbook and just about had a coronary - apparently doing an internship is significantly more complicated than just doing a job, because I have to use introspection. In this regard, I am lucky to have gotten certain traits from my mother, who does not share Dad's intense dislike of self-examination.

Speaking of my parents, I want it to be known that I recently read a New York Times article claiming that the liberal arts degree is the new MBA. Back off my career choice.

Oh, and also moving along is my housing search, as it is now "official" that Russell and I will be living in Pirate House next year (the quotation marks indicate that our landlord doesn't know this yet, but Russell said "official").

Have a day!

* This department is not responsible for my schoolwork, which falls firmly into the jurisdiction of my Things I Never Do department along with salsa dancing and watching Lost.

1 comment:

Boot said...

Most excellent! Any idea who's living upstairs at Pirate House next year?