Monday, September 29, 2008

Predicting Pandoric behavior

Fact: Nine Days is a band that, while they achieved popularity in 2000 with The Madding Crowd, independently released three albums in the 90's and, in my esteem, is grouped in with my beloved "90's music." They are awesome and true to the spirit of the timeless music of that decade.

Fact: Simple Plan is a dumbass wannabe punk band that, while having some roots as far back as 1993, is clearly a 2000's band. Their music is terrible and has little to no artistic value whatsoever.

Conclusion: Pandora should not play Simple Plan on my Nine Days radio station.

Fact: Every damn time I play my Nine Days radio station, "I'm Just a Kid" plays.

New Conclusion: Pandora may have the technical aspects of intuitive play lists down pat, but it lacks the taste and soul I once gave it credit for having.

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