Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exchanges with a scam artist, part six

From: Nico
To: Elton Lee
Subject: Re: Hello Nico (Your Response

Mr. Lee,

You have neglected to answer the concerns I expressed in my previous message, such as your obvious use of a pseudonym instead of your real name and my request that you provide more specific contact information.  Obviously this is a trust game, and since you were the one brazen enough to contact me, I think it's more appropriate you give me your contact information before I give you mine.

I don't think it is clearly a "must" that we share these funds 50/50.  You contacted me; you asked for my help.  I want at least a 60 percent share of the net amount, after costs incurred.  If this is a game of chicken, understand that I fully intend to win: I led a happy life before you contacted me, and I'm content to return to that life if you are not willing to grant me a more generous share.  Besides, you indicated that there is an industry standard in transactions like this, which suggests that they are not uncommon.  Which means you will have other opportunities and thus don't need as big a chunk of the money.

Please let me know if you are willing to negotiate seriously and address my concerns.

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