Tuesday, March 06, 2012

In which I reiterate my challenge

A year and a half ago, I challenged my reader to correctly explain the origin of my use of "In which..." for post titles.*  That challenge has gone unanswered.

I'll up the ante.  The person who correctly identifies the inspiration for those post titles will receive a real actual letter from me in which I ramble eloquently about something, as you occasionally see me do on this blog.

What?  That's all I've got.

*I spelled this "tytles" and then "titlles."  It's time for bed.


bemckimmy said...

All the chapters in A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh are start with "In Which...". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnie-the-Pooh_(book))

This is also common in 19th century authors like Henry Fielding, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, and William Makepeace Thackeray.

Nico said...

True, but not correct.

bekah said...

I always think of "Friends"
"The one where..." The one with..."
This has nothing to do with your titles. It's just what I'm thinking.
I want to google this but
a) I probably won't find the answer
b) that would be cheating

Someone win! I want to know!