Monday, December 31, 2007

Define God

I made a post along these lines of Facebook, but the feedback was extremely limited. So I appeal to you, the smaller but more motivated (maybe?) readership.I would like to collect short essays by Manchester College students and graduates answering the question, "who (or what) is God?" You can run in whatever direction you like with this question, talking about how you see God, how you communicate with God, what characteristics define God... how you answer is entirely up to you. And I'm not looking for any target group to respond; it's the diversity of faith that interests me, whether it be within the Church of the Brethren, throughout Christianity, in other religions or in the absence of religion altogether.

If you can find the time, I would love for you to write a short essay and e-mail it to me. If you don't have contact information for me, sending it to nmkauffman (at) manchester (dot) edu will suffice. Or, particularly if your answer is extremely short and you want to share it here, you could just comment on this entry. My ultimate goal is to collect enough of these essays to make a small book, which I will self-publish and give to the chapel and library (I can also have copies printed for anyone who wants their own).

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