Friday, June 06, 2008

The Adventures of Nidgin Idberry of Frockleton

You may recall I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that an adventure story setting I was working on. Having given up on any hope of developing my artistic skills, I have decided to publish the story in the form of blog entries. It can be found at

While it's unusual to leave comments turned on for a publication of this sort, I did so because I am interested in hearing feedback from anyone interested in reading it. I know it's not extraordinary writing - I have done plenty of publication-quality writing, and I find it to be really stressful. This I'm doing for fun, with more focus on keeping the story moving than on describing everything perfectly. And maybe I'll develop my writing style along the way.

My eventual goal is to get enough interest in it that I can find someone to help me turn it into a web comic and/or graphic novel. For now, we'll see if there's any market for web-based storylines that don't include pretty pictures.

(I also considered using legos and a digital camera.)

Warning: Minor spoilers from episodes 1-3 to follow. Scroll past the next paragraph if you're a stickler for surprises.

The story centers around Nidgin Idberry, a scrawny 15-year-old blacksmith's apprentice who is launched into an adventure across the realm of Jedya when the shop, which is also his home, collapses into a cavern beneath his hometown of Frockleton. The other main character I've introduced is Eryn Stahr, a mysterious girl who possesses some degree of magic ability and is apparently, for some reason, an enemy of the king.

End spoilers.

It is a fantasy-fiction adventure in that it is a medieval setting with magic, but I'm trying to tell it more as a fairy tale (albeit one that involves some degree of violence and is not recommended for small children). Maybe think The 10th Kingdom.

So far I've written four episodes, three of which have been published. The fourth will appear on the site Saturday at 10:40 AM (I forget which time zone).

Here's another link.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This is proof that I do visit and read your blog. You will get your feedback too.