Monday, June 23, 2008

Observations about me and the world

Does anyone else think we might be making more dangerous enemies with this Guantánamo stuff?

Today on a stupid TV show my family always watches, a joke along these lines was made:

"Hijo, contesta la puerta, alguién está tocando!"
"No papa, no está tocando, está golpeandola. Mira, la toco y no sirve, hay que golpearla."

Hahahahaha. The joke works because there is no word in Spanish for "to knock." Instead, they use "tocar," which means "to touch." So the joke is "No Dad, he's not touching the door, he's hitting it! Look, if I touch it there's no sound." Doesn't work in English.

A few nights ago I packed half my luggage. I still have a week left here. I have never in my life packed for anything more than eight hours in advance. In fact, I think I finished packing for Mexico about fifteen minutes before I left for the airport. Perhaps my subconscious is trying to tell me something.


NA said...

I'm pretty sure you miss home, and the patterns of the life you grew up with. It is fun to be away, but after a while most do crave the life they had. plus you totally miss me. hahaa. jk.

Jamie said...

i don't know about you, but my subconscious pisses me off most of the time...