Thursday, July 08, 2010

In which I surf couches in Pittsburgh

Like thousands of other Brethren, I made the trek to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this past week to attend Annual Conference.  I fiercely avoided anything that looked too much like a business or insight session, and spent my days trying to score free meals and hang out with friends.  Which may not have been worth the registration fee, but maybe conference will have a balance of $119 this year.  And then I will be responsible for making it not lose money.

Since I'm dirt poor, I was determined not to drop money for a week in a hotel.  The problem was that I decided at the last second to go, and everyone who was offering floor space had already given it away.  Not about to be foiled once I'd made up my mind, I turned to Couchsurfing.

Couchsurfing rocks.

After many inquiries, I found two hosts between whom to split my four days.  The first was totally cool, and we shared much in the way of beer and good times on the Fourth of July.  My other hosts seemed quite awesome as well, and were definitely super generous, but I was sadly unable to spend any real time with them; I kept getting back late from late evening activities, and they had a sane bedtime.

I don't have any pictures to accompany this post because I couldn't bring myself to be that guy who snaps lots of photos with people he doesn't know.  I'm too awkward and reserved, though I did find someone who makes my neuroses seem virtually non-existant.  (By the way, finding a new show that is six seasons old is really, really bad news.)

Finally, I will in some way reward anyone who can accurately explain my occasional use of the phrase "in which" for post titles.

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