Thursday, February 14, 2008

From the journal

Life is random significance. Ordinary moments that give us an extraordinary glimpse into a deeper meaning. Solitary walks on a beach at sunset, long talks in the dimly lit chapel lounge, the perfect song playing on the radio or even a smile at just the right moment. That's when life means something. Sometimes it's someone else. Sometimes it's me and God. And sometimes it's just me in a dark parking lot on a rainy night, watching my own life like it's a movie playing through a mellow montage. I feel there is a language to life, but I only speak a few words. I can pick up the cues of when to laugh or when to be sad, but I know there is an exact meaning that I do not recognize. We use our limited sight and understanding to try to qualify this meaning, but we usually just come up with guesswork and rough approximation. I hope Heaven means we finally get to learn life's language... I would like nothing more than to spend years pouring over these hidden significances and half-glimpses to finally translate and comprehend them fully.

1 comment:

Boot said...

Hey, just saw your dad on the news. Cool eh?

It's 7 degrees out and we have 5 inches with a chance of 5 more today, be glad you're in Mexico.