Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why you should fear me

Those of you who play obscene amounts of Space Cadet Pinball are probably familiar with the phenomenon in which you earn four extra balls and three replays on your first deploy and rack up about 12,000,000 points, only to have your second and third balls fail miserably. That happened to me, but I made enough use out of the first deploy to score 14,159,750 points, all just because it was raining and I didn't want to leave the internet café.

In blog-related news, I'm having a few issues with my element display that I hope will go away on their own, since everything appears to be in order on my dashboard. I added a feed from my Twitter account for those little thoughts that aren't detailed enough to deserve their own post, and a couple of corporate blog links. Also, after knowing about it for several months, I finally fixed the dead link to Anna Banana's site (she threw me off with the "www" addition to her URL).

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