Monday, June 30, 2008

Another moment of honesty

First, though I'm too lazy to post any links this time, I just want to say that McCain is getting on my nerves. Any time someone says something bad about him (e.g. Gen. Clark saying, rightly, that being a war hero doesn't make you a good president) he says something like "Oh, is this the kind of campaign Senator Obama and his surrogates and supporters want to run?" You like how he just threw Obama in to the mix, even though he denounced Gen. Clark's comment? C'mon McCain, are we really going to start holding the statements of supporters against the candidate? Because your supporters are out there calling Obama a possibly gay (married) Muslim (Christian) born in Africa (Hawaii). One of these days I'm going to really do some research into whether all political sides are created equal, because, while I try to call people out on being blatantly partisan, I seem to see a lot more ridiculous shit from the Republicans.

/politic (Boot, would that be a HyperPolitical Markup Language tag?)

This is my last post from Mexico. I can't think about that too much right now. I don't know what it means. I don't know what I experienced, what I'll miss, what I'm looking forward to, what I got out of this year, or anything.

I'm worried about coming back to Manchester.

I feel like most of my friends abandoned me this year. They easily forgot all about me. Some just didn't make an effort to stay in touch. Others actually chose not to respond to e-mails. I've spent the last few years running away - from Goshen to Manchester, from Manchester to Mexico - every time I start to feel unnecessary. To most people back home, I'm unnecessary. And for me, that is very, very hard to want to go back to.


Jamie said...

if necessary, i'll have clove cigarettes waiting for you.

Boot said...

You are a master of the markups sir.

I have a 360 with your name on it, we should find each other.