Friday, June 27, 2008

Classes are out... now what?

Mitch Daniels is polling ahead in Indiana. Was everyone in a coma these last four years?

Yesterday was my last day of classes here in Mexico. Or it would have been, had I gone to either of them - I slept through the first one. Ironically, my last day is the first time I did that (accidentally). I waited half an hour for the professor for my other class to show up, but he never did - at least, not before we decided he wasn't going to come and ran away. I can understand the "screw it, its the last day" sentiment, but when you're the professor?

Anyway, Im now into my last four-day weekend here before its back to America, with its high gas prices and expensive drinks. It doesnt seem real. I've spent ten out of the last eleven months living in Mexico, speaking Spanish, eating mole (pronounced mo-lay, as in a complicated Mexican sauce that includes chocolate and several million other ingrediants; not mohl, as in a tunneling mammal), and, well, making my life here.

Apparently only five percent of U.S. college students study in other countries. That's striking on its own, but a growing majority of these students participate in programs that last a month or less. I don't have the statistics on those of us left, but I wouldn't be surprised if more than half only do it for one semester - of the 18 students that did BCA Xalapa this year, only four of us were here the whole year.

That makes me feel pretty special.

Now I just have to write 16 pages about society, the environment, and "any Mexican national social issue."

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