Friday, March 28, 2008

Mexico from the back of a pickup truck

Question: How many traveling students, and their luggage, can a single extended-cab pickup truck carry?
Answer: Twelve. Plus two hitchhikers.

Actually, the number 12 includes Rob, our director. I spent two hours bouncing in the back of a pickup truck today, suffering from the heat that came from the combination of the oppressive sun and the annoying blue canvas that covered the metal frame over the pickup bed (the good news is this structure allowed for increased storage on top of the cab).

Today we went to Agua Azul, the place Rob calls the most beautiful in Mexico. I have to say it is quite beautiful, though I might be starting to build a preference for the ocean. I went cliff diving, learned how to swim, and knocked my director on his ass with a Frisbee to the face, all in one day.

We are now outside of Pelenque, which I haven't really seen yet so I can't describe it to you. I can say that we are staying in cabins that are built in the middle of a reconstructed jungle, which is mad cool. The internet, unfortunately, is very expensive, but I think I've finally got all my job application stuff in order. For the record, Jon is my hero.

It occurred to me in the back of the pickup truck that there is a divide between the friends I try hardest to stay in touch with and the ones that make an effort to stay in touch with me. Now, I am happy to be everyone's friend, but I don't want to feel like the cheery little puppy that keeps coming back after a swift kick in the ribs, and I don't want to be the person that makes anyone else that feels that way. So for those of you who take an interest in me, I promise I will do a better job of reaching back. And for those of you who don't, I'll leave you alone.


1 comment:

Boot said...

So you're coming back and getting a job eh? Any decision on AC or NYAC?

And I like the HEML tag (Hyper-Emo Makeup LOL).