Sunday, March 30, 2008

My most favorite man

Firstly, I would just like to say lawlz to Boot on his HEML comment. Secondly, I need to go scrub my fingers to rid myself of the filth from typing "lawlz." Also, NYAC is a 99% definite no and AC is about an 80% no, assuming I get the internship I'm applying for.

But despite the fact that Will is the first man mentioned in this message and is not uncommonly my most favorite man, in this exact moment I must salute someone entirely different.


Let me tell you a little story. While I was vacationing in Chiapas, I received notice that the Department of Residential Life at Manchester had never received my application (this is a long and bloody story that need not be published in full). Past the deadline and stranded without my USB drive (and, thus, without the application), I called my main man in Mexico, Jon. Jon took time out of his day to go to my house, talk his way past my host family, find my USB drive in my room, take it to an internet café, figure out which file was the application, and send it in for me. Needless to say, I'm buying the beer.

Note: Since I know I'm going to hear about this one, the use of the term "main man in Mexico" is intended to convey praise and alliteration. It is not meant in any way to disenfranchise Sebastian or any of my other main Mexican men.

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